How to Neutralize Negative Behavior by Giving Corrective Feedback - A Manager's Guide (2 Sessions at less than half price)

April 17, 2024
180 Mins
Bruce Lee

Session 1:- Harassment, Bullying, Gossip and Disruptive Behavior: A Manager's Guide on How to Detox and Neutralize a Negative Workplace

This resource loaded, fast paced webinar will show you how to get ahead of and neutralize all forms of negative, bad, destructive behavior, and put a system in place to ensure it does not re-occur. This starts with an understanding that it has to be a policy of Zero Tolerance, followed by immediate workplace reprimands and coaching on what is acceptable behavior. The destructive effects of blaming others, griping, pessimism and of always passing the buck has to be stopped. In this session, you will learn to keep emotional control and to tame that disruptive and destructive behavior you must deal with.

Whatever happened to respect and caring by and for everyone? When you have rude, indifferent, emotionally troubled, over-worked and dis-engaged employees, they will do more harm to your business and employee productivity than you can afford. Caution: A workplace culture of tolerating a bad attitude by one or more employees is not acceptable. Who is to blame? A lot of time, the cause of the employee attitude is generated from how they are treated at work, a seeming lack of respect of them. Is it you or is it them that is the problem? When you fully exercise your position power, you will dramatically improve the strained relationship and drive up their personal power. Respect comes from knowing the person and this session is how to find out what matters, drives and engages them. When you have a language of caring, you create respect. This session is how to change the viewing of this person and their behavior to move them to be solution orientated. Respect drives up trust, engagement and creativity.

Webinar Objectives

Whatever you call it, bullying, harassment, and gossip, - it all matters to you if you have:-

  • Bad attitudes,
  • Jealousy
  • Disruptive behavior

The above sabotages your organization’s:-

  • Teamwork
  • Employee morale
  • Lowers self-esteem
  • Reduces productivity
  • Undermines your reputation in the community.

When toxic behavior infects a department, managers may be tempted to ignore it or give in, the wrong thing to do, but tolerating it is not a solution!

Webinar Agenda

You will learn:

  • How managers inadvertently reward negative and destructive behaviours
  • The steps you need to act on in order to keep total control of the situation
  • The four types of problem employees there can be that lead to bigger problems
  • How to turn around the gossip, gab and the grapevine to create more empowered employees.
  • How to tell when someone is lying to you and how to confront them on it.
  • When to focus on the behaviour you see and not the attitude behind it.
  • How to identify all the forms of bullying there are that you need to control.
  • How to stop the rumour mill before it gets started with a policy of transparency
  • Why people want to ‘push your buttons’ by their off-side or inappropriate comments
  • How to control the unwritten rules of the office that becomes the negative culture to discipline
  • How to adopt great techniques to use when employees blame others or deny responsibility

Webinar Highlights

At the conclusion of the webinar,

There will be 4 self-tests/assessments that are guaranteed to improve:-

  • Engagement
  • Loyalty
  • Retention
  • Empowerment
  • Leadership skills
  • Coaching abilities.

The presenter also offers a number of complimentary resources that are perfect for those in health care, as well as serious recommend readings and action steps.

Session 2:- How to Give Corrective Feedback: The CARE Model – Eliminating Negative Behavior by Focusing on Accountability

In today’s demanding business climate that has an accelerated focus on treating workers right, it is so important to engage their issues with timely action, tact, and communication skills that leaves nothing to chance in corrective measures, for any and all negative situation you encounter.

What is the issue you are challenged with? Uncontrolled negativity in the workplace, offensive language, constant and undeserved criticism, personal hygiene, inappropriate clothing, religion or political opinions, tardiness, poor work performance, negative behaviour and people who are oblivious to the impact and effect on fellow employees or customers – or just don’t care to know?

Conflict that produces complaints, and complaints handled poorly that generate conflict, is unhealthy, destroys productivity, and creates an unpredictable environment.

While you can’t be fully prepared for every bad situation you will be confronted with, this webinar will provide you the tools you need to be able to approach it with a corrective action plan in place.  This is about using the right language, words and habits that will teach you how you can resolve any issue.

C.A.R.E.-ing is: being appreciative, presence, acknowledging feelings, projecting positive intent, avoiding assumptions, being compassionate and focused.

This fast paced, value loaded webinar is perfect for anyone who wants to stretch and develop themselves into a more effective leader where trust, integrity, engagement, and productivity flourishes. 

This value packed webinar provides you the must know strategies for improving difficult workplace and personal relationships. You will move from blame, to self-awareness, critical thinking, and problem -solving action steps.

An effective leader / supervisor / manager, knows how to handle conflict and how to get the person to say yes to your request to change their behaviour.

We are all familiar with the “Sandwich” model of giving negative feedback – slice of something positive, then the constructive criticism/negative feedback, followed by a slice of something positive. There is so much more to being effective than this one idea. Register and collect them all. 

As a bonus, don’t miss out on receiving the 3 self-tests that guarantee you the skills to empower, engage and inspire employees for long term loyalty to you, retention for your organization, and how to coach for engagement.

Webinar Objectives

  • How to identify when you start to lose control
  • The ‘Snowball Effect’ of uncontrolled negative people
  • Why you need to develop communication/interpersonal skills
  • How to read and understand body language
  • What creates workplace dysfunction and how to correct it
  • Identify negative workplace performance measures
  • What good communication creates – and is vital to the workplace
  • Leadership styles that create trust
  • 3 Core Strategies in Relationship Development
  • 8 Vital Communication Principles
  • Top 10 Measures and Solutions for CARE-ing

Webinar Highlights

  • As a Leader know the tools you need to use to confront every bad situation at workplace
  • As a Leader know how to flourish trust, integrity, engagement, and productivity at workplace
  • How to get moved from blame to self-awareness, critical thinking, and problem -solving action steps
  • Learn something more than the ‘Sandwich’ model of giving negative feedback
  • Bonus - 3 self-tests that guarantee you the skills to empower, engage and inspire employees for long term:
    • Loyalty to you
    • Retention for your organization
    • How to coach for engagement

Who Should Attend

Everyone involved in improving the customer experience. This will include:

  • CEO
  • CIO
  • CFO
  • Vice President
  • HR Professionals
  • Human Resource Directors
  • Customer Service Supervisors
  • Managers
  • New to Mid-Level Executives
  • Supervisors
  • Decision Making personnel to lead and motivate others
  • Prospecting Leaders
  • Department Managers and those who want to advance their careers with an essential leadership skill.
Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee

As an international event speaker, coach, MC and author, Bruce Lee brings the experience of a solid business leadership and entrepreneur /ownership  background from a good cross section of industry for 40 + years.

  • Charter Bank branch management and Alberta Manager for the VISA credit card Division of a Canadian Bank,
  • Senior marketing representative for a fully integrated Canadian oil and gas company, charged with increasing market share and building new service stations
  • Senior executive recruiter with an office in England
  • Owned and managed a 24 hour a day, 365 days a year retail convenience store and gas bar business.
  • As an…

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